Game Issues
Shadow Sawk
Shadow Sawk debuted in raids on June 5th. It currently has no catch rate, can't be purified, and does come with the move Frustation.
Style Shop v2 Issues
Several issues with the new style shop. They include clothing that is changed automatically if you tap on a set you already own but without confirmation. There are no text labels for clothing any longer. Sometimes sets apply random clothing. Changing gender and then applying a saved outfit soft locks the game. Face items (glasses) are not displayed in saved outfit thumbnails. Poses show as activated but they are not when changing between sets. You can activate several sets at once. Sets do not clear unused items (for example select a set with a bag, then select another set without a bag, it doesn't clear the bag). You can't clear owned items from the cart. Saved outfits do not sync with the server. Changing sets continue to add items to your cart without clearing previously viewed ones. You can sometimes obtain and use clothing you don't own.
Mega Pinsir Portrait Not Pushed
The portrait for Mega Pinsir was never pushed, so it doesn't load.
Blanche Research Issues
Because Niantic never forced 267, the Blanche research doesn't work unless you are updated. In addition, when Blanche talks to you, they go back to a T-pose position on every dialog step. The model was fixed after a day, but the force never happened so for the entire event this was broken. Niantic never acknowledged it.
Elite Raids (Again Again)

Regieleki Elite Raids do not work (again again) for several trainers. Niantic preemptively turned off the Timed Research as that was still broken from the last time, but several reports of people not being able to join raids, being presented with the 'No groups found with that code.' message. In addition, Campfire has been having issues throughout the day, either not loading at all, gyms not loading, or chats not loading. Niantic is ignoring these issues again.
Elite Raids (Again)

For the Regidrago raids, the raids are un-joinable with error 32. They fixed this error with 1 minute left, before the raid despawned. Thanks to u/Jimmy-The-Squid on TSR for the report, the catch circle was also too small as the sizing is incorrect. This was fixed after about an hour because Niantic never finished making the Pokemon in the game so it was missing all its camera, collision, and other settings. Niantic announced a makeup day the next day for the time zone that had these issues. However the 11 am timeslot for the Americas had several issues, such as raids not loading, people getting kicked out of raids if they could join at all, but several people couldn't join, not being able to catch, and several other network issues. The makeup day also experienced the exact same issues as the first day. Niantic eventually acknowledged this 6 days later and said there would be a makeup, but hasn't said anything since.
Bruxish Isn't Set Correctly
Bruxish has its mode set to jump, meaning it "jumps" like Pokemon with an actual jumping animation during the encounter. But because it has no jumping animation it just moves up and down. Most other fish Pokemon move side to side, which is the proper mode Bruxish should be set to.
Paldea Icon in PokeDex is Broken
Clicking on the Paldea pokedex icon takes you to Kanto instead of Paldea.
Hoenn Tour

Too many issues to list, but the shortlist is connection issues, log-in issues, huge delay/lag, raids kicking you out, not letting you join, saying you already completed, etc. Niantic gave people $6 as an apology and extended the event without fixing the issues by 3 hours, then blamed the community for coming to a public park that they did not fence off.
Non Native Refresh Rate Is Broken
When disabling Native Refresh rate, the app will now go back to 1/4 of your FPS instead of 1/2. Example: you have a 120 screen. Previously turning off native and rebooting the game would set the game to 60. Now it sets it to 30.
Niantic Forgot About NY Stickers, Pose, and Fireworks
With the start of the New Year's 2023 event, Niantic never pushed or activated the stickers, or activated the pose, even after advertising it in the shop. On Jan 1 they pushed and activated the stickers. But the fireworks they announced were never pushed, activated, or acknowledged by Niantic.
Vivillion Badge is not actually part of the badges
It's placed in the list, but you can't swipe left and right to view other badges. When you are on a badge to the left or right of it and swipe to go to the Vivillion badge, it skips it.
Hoenn Mega Raid Day
The Hoenn Mega Pokemon started with the Megas spawning as T5 difficulty and timers, with T5 raids being listed in the Today View. After about an hour they fixed them back to T4 difficulty. The bonus XP and stardust from the ticket were also not rewarded. Niantic has said this is just a visual glitch for the XP however there have been reports that the stardust issues were in fact broken. Niantic has not commented on the stardust.
GBL Battle Pass Was Automatically Given To Accounts And Keeps Appearing In The Shop
If you had the Season 8 battle pass but never finished it, you were automatically given the Season 9 pass, even if you didn't claim it. In addition, every few days, if you did claim the Season 9 battle pass, it would re-appear in the shop. Claiming it would do nothing, and then it would appear again later and repeat.
Ultra Beast Spawns Didn't Work
Like Elite Raids and the Community Day Raid spawns, the Ultra Beast spawns after the raid was complete were broken. Similar reports to previous events, where either people didn't receive the timer after the raid was complete, or they didn't see any rare spawns. Like Elite Raids and Community Day Raid spawns, Niantic is ignoring this issue and pretending it's fine.
Recently Fixed
Starly's Wings Are Broken

Like Pidgey before, it has no wings. Probably been broken since the Unity 2021 update. This was fixed at some point but we weren't sure when.
Premier Balls are Usable in the Wild and Quests

By doing a raid or rocket, then tapping on a wild Pokemon with remember the last ball enabled, the premier ball comes up. If you try to catch the Pokemon with it, it runs (but just visually).
269 Crashes On Start
Some Android devices are crashing on 269 when they boot up. Fresh installs or going back to 267 appear to be the workarounds. Niantic acknowledged they are looking into it.
Blanche Research Reset
At the end of the Blanche event, everyone's special research reset if they didn't complete it. Niantic acknowledged this issue and promptly auto-completed people's research to get based this step for them.
Blanche Lapras not added
Niantic has not pushed the assets for Blanche Lapras causing the encounter to error when loading that encounter, making it uncatchable.
April Quests Never Re-Rolled
Niantic forgot to re-roll new quests for April. They eventually realized this and fixed it on April 3th.
Willow Ticket can't be gifted

The Willow ticket can not be gifted and shows as the GO fest ticket in players' inventory. This was fixed to be giftable on the 1st, but it was using the wrong sprite. They fixed the sprite the next day.

Gimmighoul's stats were copy and pasted from other Mons without being checked, so it is very broken. Wrong buddy/walked stats, wrong evo requirements, wrong third move, probably wrong BCR and BFR, wrong sizing, and more. This has been partially fixed but some issues still remain.
Game Freezes Trying to Claim Scatterbug
Since 261, there is a high chance the game will freeze when claiming a Scatterbug from the pop-up notification. Niantic has not acknowledged this issue but there were no reports of this since .3.
Friends List Issues

Since 261, the friend list's avatars appear to be double rendered, and moving left to right in your friends list info screen glitches for a second and shows you the previous friend's avatar and buddy. Niantic has not acknowledged this issue but it doesn't appear to happen since .3.
Raids Are Unresponsive And Second Charge Moves Don't Work

In 261, raids can become unresponsive with taps not showing and your Mon standing still. It appears to still be doing damage, but your second charge move won't charge and your first charge move won't fire. If your Mon faints, you can be stuck in an unresponsive state for 30+ seconds. This appears to happen randomly, from reports about 1/5 raids. From further reports, it appears to be triggered when you use a Mon with a second charge move, where the second move won't charge/fire, and then the other issues start. Niantic never acknowledged this issue, but there haven't been reports of it in a while so marking as fixed.
Can't Search Mega Levels
When Niantic pushed the new Mega settings for Primals, they broke the ability to use search filters like `mega1`, `mega2`, etc. Niantic removed the text for the new Pokedex which fixed this issue.
Battle Parties Do Not Sync
Niantic launched the Battle Party feature on December 7th, 2017. At that time, they announced Battle Party syncing between devices. It never came. Several years later, they announced that Battle Party sync was now available, but it was never activated. The feature is still not active today.
Quest Stamps Are Double Rendered

Like the friends list, the quest stamps are double rendered, making it difficult to tell if you have completed your stamp for the day or not. This was fixed in 261.1.
Kecleon Issues
For the most part Kecleon was a successful rollout without any game breaking bugs. There were a few issues, some of which Niantic has acknowledged. They include: It uses Meltan's cry (not acknowledged), it has no gender so it was disabled being sent to HOME, sometimes it doesn't appear on the map after being attacked, and Niantic says this is an issue - you can see Kecleon when outside the stop's radius. The cry and gender has been fixed and on Jan 31 they re-enabled HOME sending.